23 Apr

Why am I blogging? Because Scott asked me to

Seriously, Scott Hanselman, one of the premier software development bloggers and all around dev guru, asked me to blog.  He wrote a whole blog post about how important he thought it was that I start blogging.  It seems he really thinks I have something to add to the conversation, and that someday he will find answers to some of his questions when a Google search turns up my blog.

OK, so he wasn’t speaking specifically to me, but I had been thinking about starting to blog because I’m at a point where I do think I have something to add to the conversation, and I may actually be able to post about a coherent article on some problem I’ve overcome that took researching 3+ pages deep in Google results for a hint that pointed me in the right direction.

Basically I was ready to start blogging, and Scott just pushed me over the edge.  And for that I say thanks.

**I was watching a video of one of Scott’s presentations where he said that he wants to beat out Scotts toilet paper as the top result when searching for Scott.  To do that, he proposed that when linking to his site everyone link on the word Scott.  I’m not sure if he was joking, but I went with it anyway.